Math and Music Project

With your table members, put together a google slideshow of how math is applied to music. Work together! Someone has to take the initiative to get the group organized. There are so many directions you can go with this topic. Do research on youtube and google. Presentations should be about 5-10 minutes long. Extra credit ( 10 test points) will be awarded to groups that play an instrument in their presentation for at least 1 minute. You could also use the Garage Band app if you like. Wear headphones if you are playing videos or using garage band on your iPad. Garage band can be a distraction, so get your slides done first. Have fun! Your grade will be determined by the content of your presentation, how well you present it, and how good of an audience member you are.  Make sure to utilize the presentation tips below. 

You have two days to work on the project in the class. 

Presentation dates TBD.

Presentation Tips:
1) For the google slideshow, make the font size big and bold. What can be easy to read off of an iPad can be difficult to read when it is projected.
2) Don’t read straight off of the slides. You should already know what information is on the slide being shown and be able to summarize it. You could use flash cards or another iPad which will allow you to face your audience as you speak. Speak loud and clear.
3) Each slide should not be text heavy. Keep everything short and sweet.
4) Make sure you are not blocking the audience from being able to see the presentation.
5) One person should control slide switching.
6) Make sure that if you have a video clip to show that it works prior to the presentation.
7) Practice your presentation before you present. Do a mock presentation prior.
8) While speaking, scan the room and make eye contact with audience members.
9) Don’t use words such as “like”, “stuff””, “uhhh”, and “ummmm.”
10) Make sure you know how to pronounce all the words used on your slides.
11) Be professional, show enthusiasm, and don’t laugh at your group members or yourself while presenting.
12) Be organized.
13) The audience won't take you serious unless you are serious about your presentation.
14) Ask the audience if they have any questions at the end of the presentation.