STEP 1: 1-point perspective indoors
Directions: On an 8.5” x 11” piece of white paper, draw a room using one point of perspective. Do NOT fold the paper to find the
center. Use this link, Paper Center, to find the paper center. The room should use the WHOLE
paper. 99% of the lines should be horizontal, vertical, or going towards the vanishing point. You can use the video links,
Draw a Living Room and Draw a Bedroom, as a resource, but make the room your own creation. Your room should
contain the following: Bed or couch, desk or table, window on the left or right wall, drawer with TV on the left or right
wall, rug, a ceiling light, and any other related items. Take pride in your work. If the drawing does not demonstrate an
understanding of perspective drawing principles, you will have to redo STEP 1. You do not have to color the drawing.
If you have any trouble, Mr. H is always happy to help.
On an 8.5” x 11” piece of white paper, draw a room using two points of perspective. The room should use the WHOLE
paper. 99% of the lines should be vertical or going towards the vanishing points. You can use the video links, Draw a
Living Room and Draw a Bedroom Room, as a resource, but the room you are drawing should have the same features
as the one point perspective drawing you did for STEP 1. Take pride in your work. If the drawing does not demonstrate
an understanding of perspective drawing principles, you will have to redo STEP 2. You do not have to color the
drawing. If you have any trouble, Mr. H is always happy to help.
Draw a City Important: The room should use the WHOLE paper. 99% of the lines should be
vertical, or going towards the vanishing points.
STEP 3: 2-point perspective
STEP 4: 2-point perspective outdoors Draw a House
Perspective Drawing Resources Below
Perspective Drawing Book
Intro CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 CH9 CH10 CH11 CH12 CH13 CH14
Perspective Drawing Tutorial Videos
1-Point Perspective:
Foundations: Draw a Room One Point Part 1 One Point Part 2
Drawing a Room Drawing A City Looking Up at the Sky in A City
2-Point Perspective:
Foundations: Two Point Perspective Drawing Part 1 Two Point Perspective Drawing Part 2
Drawing a City Drawing a House Geometric Drawing Drawing a City 2
3-Point Perspective:
Foundations: Three Point Perspective Drawing
Great Drawing Resource: University College London Drawing Gym
How to Create Basic Blueprints
Directions: 1) Click on the link.
2) Click on Start Modeling tab.
3) Create an account Note: Write down you log in information.
4) Watch tutorial videos below to learn how to use software.
Software (Free Online):
SketchUp Tutorial Videos Playlist (Note: Watch all the videos to learn how to use the tools well.)
SketchUp Tutorial 1 - The Basic
SketchUp Tutorial 2 - Build a House (Exterior)
SketchUp Tutorial 3 - Build a House (Interior)