Chapter 7 -Random Variables
Assignment 7.1 - READ 7.1 - Pg. 454 Do #’s 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21, 25, 26-30
Review 1) 3.2 - Pg. 208 #67 2) 4.3 - Pg. 281 #99 3) 5.3 - Pg. 351 #87 4) 6.3 - Pg. 431 #107
Assignment 7.2 - READ 7.2 - Pg. 465 Do #'s 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47-50
Review 1) 3.1 - Pg. 172 #15 2) 4.2 - Pg. 267 #77 3) 5.2 - Pg. 328 #45 4) 6.2 - Pg. 398 #39
Assignment 7.3 - READ 7.3 - Pg. 479 Do #’s 53, 55, 57, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73-76
Review 1) 2.2 - Pg. 143 #87 2) 4.1 - Pg. 238 #22 3) 5.1 - Pg. 311 #15 4) 6.1 - Pg.379 #27
Chapter 7 Review - Pg. 486 Do #’s T7.1 - T7.13 ALL Check ALL answers in the back of the book
Cumulative AP Practice Test - Pg. 488 Do #’s AP2.1 - AP2.25 ALL Check ALL answers in the back of the book