Chapter 12 - More About Regression

Assignment 12.1 - READ 12.1 - Pg. 787 Do #’s 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 23-28
Review 1) 3.2 - Pg. 209 #71 2) 3.1 - Pg. 174 #29 3) 2.2 - Pg. 143 #85 4) 1.3 - Pg. 79 #123

Assignment 12.2 - READ 12.2 - Pg. 811 Do #'s 33, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 47, 51-54
Review 1) 3.2 - Pg. 209 #73 2) 3.1 - Pg. 174 #31 3) 2.1 - Pg. 108 #33 4) 1.2 - Pg. 53 #81

Chapter 12 Review - Pg. 764 Do #’s T12.1 - T12.12 ALL Check ALL answers in the back of the book

Cumulative AP Practice Test - Pg. 827 Do #’s AP4.1 - AP4.46 ALL Check ALL answers in the back of the book